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Monday, 21 May 2012

Create Hook Inside a Portlet, Liferay

Hi Folks,

Yesterday i tried something new, it's easy but useful.

Sometimes we have a requirement where we need a portlet which depends on some extended functionality of Liferay. So in that case we have to create a external hook and provide two wars separately.

Their is an answer, we can create a Portlet which also contains a Hook.

Steps to Go -
1) Create a simple portlet.
2) Put a liferay-hook.xml in WEB-Inf in your portlet.
3) Map the entry, which functionality you want to extend, e.g. portal.properties,stratup-events.
4) Put the require file in place as you put in Hook.

Example : Create a Portlet which extends an startup events by Hook.
1) Create a Hello Portlet.
2) Put liferay-hook.xml in WEB-Inf.
3) Put this entry in liferay-hook.xml file -


4) Create portal.properties in src of Hello portlet.
5) Copy below line to portal.properties -


6) StartupAction is the class which extends SimpleAction and executes strartup events.

You are just done, Try & Enjoy the function.............:))

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

LDAP Group import fails if email address is null for a user

We are trying to import users based on specific groups.

Our Import Search Filter is set properly -

The issue one facing is for one user the email address is not set. So the import is failing.

Question :
Ideally it should skip that user and import the other users but the whole process fails.

Answer :
Here is a response to that question.  It is not a bug.  In order for a user to be authenticated in the
Liferay Portal, five pieces of user data are needed.  Without these, user authentication will fail.

They are:

1.  Screen name
2.  First name
3.  Last name
4.  Email
5.  Password

Resolution :
 So in this case, you need to set:

     users.email.address.required=true to "false."

If require, please take reference from portal.properties in Liferay Source or leave a comment here.

You are just done, Try & Enjoy the function.............:))

Liferay authentication fails for screen name authentication when "mail" attribute is not set in LDAP (AD)

Context : 
1) A valid user in Active Directory exists
2) The "mail" entry is missing in the Active Directory for the user
3) The authentication is set by Screen Name

When tries to login, the authentication fails. This issue is not occurring in other applications using Active Directory

Question :
If it is intended behavior for authentication to fail if email is not configured in LDAP. Is this correct?  If so,

Answer :
Here is a response to that question.  It is not a bug.  In order for a user to be authenticated in the
Liferay Portal, five pieces of user data are needed.  Without these, user authentication will fail.

They are:

1.  Screen name
2.  First name
3.  Last name
4.  Email
5.  Password

Problem :
In My Company all the accounts do not have “mail” attribute set in LDAP. None of the other application has any issue with this. These application can authenticate for all the users. If this is a requirement from liferay that all the users should have their “mail” set in LDAP, that would be a major task.

If the validation is through screen-name. So mail should not be mandatory.

Resolution :
 So in this case, you need to set:

      users.email.address.required=true to "false."
        # Set this to false if you want to be able to create users without an email
        # address. An email address will be automatically assigned to a user based
        # on the property "users.email.address.auto.suffix".

Also, notice this following property from portal.properties.

You can set the suffix of the email address that you desire to be generated for a user who does not have an email address.  This can only be used if the previous property  is set to false.
        # Set the suffix of the email address that will be automatically generated
        # for a user that does not have an email address. This property is not used
        # unless the property "users.email.address.required" is set to false. The
        # autogenerated email address will be the user id plus the specified suffix.


You are just done, Try & Enjoy the function.............:))