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Friday, 7 September 2012

Be careful when you assign user management role to any user

Liferay has very fine grained permission system. But some of the issues require much attention from administrator side.

There is a threat i want to let you know that if you assign any user a role of User Management,
that means He/She has all the rights to change all the users information including Administrator.

So, be careful while you assign this kind of permission to any user.

You are just done, Try & Enjoy the function.............:))

ckEditor does not let copy paste microsoft word formatting like tables, colouring inside table cells

Liferay is using ckeditor, but not responsible for any bug ckeditor has.

Let us see first that how this bug stop us to use copy paste function with formatting from MS Word.

1. Log to the system.
2. Go to control panel > Wiki.
3. Create wiki and add wiki page.
4. Open MicroSoft Word.
5. Create tables format them with colours or etc.
6. Click on this word icon

7. Copy and Paste this content from MS Word to ckeditor.

Expected result : It should copy paste all content with formatting.
Actual Result : It will format the content without any formatting.

Workaround :
1) Create a hook of tomcat-6.0.29\webapps\ROOT\html\js\editor\ckeditor\ckconfig.jsp
2) Append below lines in end of file -


3) Deploy hook & you are done.

You are just done, Try & Enjoy the function.............:))